Your Voice Your Europe LOGO

The project Your Voice, Your Europe! includes activities that will invite young people to participate with a different – artistic approach.

Participants will express their thinking in a visually artistic way. The long canvas carpet, intended for artistic expression, will offer political and cultural reflection through visual stories and messages. The activity will promote connection and intercultural dialogue between the participants and contribute to the community by visually telling the stories of the participants.

The main goals of the project Your Voice, Your Europe! are:

  1. Strengthening the sense of belonging to the EU elections and the importance of voting in the EU elections.
  2. Increasing participants’ understanding of the role of Members of the European Parliament in representing the values ​​and vision of the EU.
  3. Promoting a sense of local responsibility and inclusion in communities.
  4. Developing and strengthening participants, social and civic competences, critical thinking and creativity.

The canvas, eight meters long, will travel through European cities and encourage young passers-by to actively participate in the art installation. Participants will visually interpret EU values ​​(human dignity, non-discrimination, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and human rights) and explore their experiences, views and wishes for the future through artistic expression, thus contributing their voice to change.

The artwork will symbolically represent a “bridge” that will connect different European cities and indirectly all the participants, who will together create a visual manifesto with their messages.

In parallel with the street interventions, the website of the project will also provide a means of communication, intended for those who will not be able to directly participate in the artistic street action. Visitors to the project’s website will be able to create their own messages and collages of values ​​with the help of photos taken at the street action. By posting on this website, their voice will be forwarded to the Members of the European Parliament and will eventually spread around the world.

The project actively promotes the values ​​of diversity, equality and inclusion by providing activities that are accessible to all young participants regardless of gender, national or ethnic affiliation, religion or sexual orientation. Participants will be able to share their experiences and perspectives, promoting visual dialogue and networking among different demographics. Street art activities will be aimed at building bridges between different segments of society and nationalities and promoting understanding and respect between them.

The Project Your Voice, Your Europe! is organized by SLOGA Platform and financed by ALDA and co-funded by the European Union.

SOLGA Platform Logo
Co-funded by EU Logo

The views and opinions expressed on this site are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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