The presentation of the project took place in a pleasant atmosphere. Nataša Novak, on behalf of the SLOGA platform of NGOs, addressed the audience and presented the project “Your Voice, Your Europe!”. She described the project’s journey and in particular the purpose and the journey of the canvas painting across Europe.
Nataša put special emphasis on EU values and citizen participation. It was this topic that sparked a debate among the assembled audience about how much influence their voice can have in the EU, and whether it can have any influence at all. They expressed doubt that elected representatives will ever take into account citizens’ comments, but through the discussion they came to the conclusion that the key to having an impact is to activate as many citizens as possible to make their opinions known to political representatives.
It is precisely through debates like the ones promoted by Your Voice, Your Europe! that we are raising the threshold of critical thinking in people, as well as the realisation that every voice counts, and thus encouraging even greater citizen participation in the democratic processes of the European Union.
The main goals of Your Voice, Your Europe! is bringing together and involving young people and other groups from different countries, social backgrounds and localities and raising awareness about the importance of the European Parliament elections by actively voting for MEPs who will represent their values and vision of life in the EU, while stressing that civic responsibility does not end with the elections.
Join us! If you cannot participate directly in the street art action, you can create your own collage of values using photographs taken during the street action. By sending it directly to the college, your voice will be spread around the world. Click or Tap HERE.
Follow us on FB, IG and make your voice heard to MEPs through our website. Let’s be active EU citizens and demand accountability and serious work from our elected MEPs in the EU Parliament, let’s hold them to their word – pre-election promises must be kept!